Thursday, November 28, 2019

Development of a Web Based Recruitment Process System for the Human Resource of an Organization Essay Example

Development of a Web Based Recruitment Process System for the Human Resource of an Organization Paper DEVELOPMENT OF A WEB BASED RECRUITMENT PROCESS SYSTEM FOR THE HUMAN RESOURCE OF AN ORGANIZATION CASE STUDY:UGANDA VIRUS RESEARCH INSTITUTE SUBMITED BY: NAMBALE JOHN BOSCO REG NO: 2007-03-IT-042 LECTURER: MR OTHIENO JOSEPH 1. 1. Introduction For an organization to run successfully and efficiently its very important that it has efficient workers and to use its resources very well especially human resources. So one of the important goals of an organization is to recruit right people for the right job. So there should be a proper recruiting process management system so that all the activities and selection procedure can be carried out effectively without losing its transparency. A web based recruitment system will be of great help in carrying out recruitment operations and with this very objective in mind this web based recruitment system will be made. In this web based recruitment system it will manage all such activities (like storing applicants data, scheduling interviews, retrieval of recorded data and easy application) and that will save time, manpower and the biggest advantage of being it web based. This web based system will provide better prospective for the enhancement of organization regarding to quality and transparency. 1. 2. Background of the case study The Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), located in Entebbe, Uganda, was established in 1936 as the Yellow Fever Research Institute by the Rockefeller Foundation. In 1950, after gaining regional recognition it was renamed the East African Virus Research Institute (EAVRI). After the collapse of the East African Community in 1977, it became a Uganda government public health research institution and was renamed the Uganda Virus Research Institute. We will write a custom essay sample on Development of a Web Based Recruitment Process System for the Human Resource of an Organization specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Development of a Web Based Recruitment Process System for the Human Resource of an Organization specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Development of a Web Based Recruitment Process System for the Human Resource of an Organization specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer The government of Uganda now administers and funds the institute through the Uganda National Health Research Organization (UNHRO) which is an umbrella research body with in the Uganda Ministry of Health. The mission of the institute is to carry out scientific research concerning communicable diseases, especially viral diseases of public health importance and to advise the government on strategies for control and prevention. The institute also plays a large role in coordinating and administering virology related clinical trials within the county. Most recently the institute has been involved in human HIV vaccine clinical trials. The HIV/AIDS Reference and Quality Assurance Laboratory (HRL), which is part of the institute plays an important role in making public policy recommendations to the Uganda National Drug Authority on the access and usage of new drugs and medicaltechnologies. 1. 3. Problem Statement The current recruitment processes are primarily manual and paper based. These processes are labor intensive, costly and unfriendly from the applicant and managerial point of view. It is worth notifying that with the increasing number of applicants at the institute and with this current recruitment processes which are primarily manual and paper based are no longer efficient. It is the intention to replace these with a system that will allow direct job applications on-line and improve this situation. 1. 4. Objectives of the study This project is aimed at developing a web-based (on-line)recruitment system for Uganda Virus Research Institute which will store data, schedule interviews, allow easy retrieval of data and finally also allow easy application. However there are other specific objectives and these will include; †¢To investigate the current system being used. †¢To design a web based recruitment process system. †¢To implement a web based recruitment process system. †¢To test the web based recruitment process system. 2. Activities and Deliverables The following table describes the activities and deliverables comprising of the system development life cycle which involves planning stage, analysis stage, design stage, implementation stage and maintenance stage StagesActivitiesDeliverables Planning†¢Define business problem and scope Produce detailed project schedule †¢Confirm project feasibility †¢Presentation of reasons why system should or should not be developed by the organization†¢Initiate †¢Ensure feasibility †¢Plan schedule Analysis†¢Gather information to learn problem domain †¢Determine system requirements †¢Generate alternative designs †¢Compare alterna tives †¢Recommend best alternative†¢Requirements specification †¢Entity Relationship Diagram †¢Performance expectations †¢Description of work flows and manuals Design†¢Define system architecture †¢Produce logical and physical database design †¢Design document Data Element Dictionary Implementation†¢Verify and test †¢Convert data †¢Train users and document the system †¢Install the system †¢Testing †¢User training †¢Installation of new system. Maintenance†¢Maintain system †¢Enhance system †¢Support users†¢Small patches,repairs and updates †¢Enhancements to expand system capabilities 2. 1. Project schedule A project schedule for the development of a web based recruitment process system for the human resource of an organization showing an activity and its estimated time period. ActivityEstimated Time Planning4 weeks Analysis5 weeks Design7 weeks Implementation9 weeks Overall project25 weeks 2. 2. Gantt chart MONTHSEPTEMBEROCTTOBERNOVEMBERDECEMBERJANUARYFEBRUARY WEEKS1234512341234123412341234 ACTIVITIES PLANNING ANALYSIS DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION OVERALL PROJECT 3. METHODOLOGY This will include various methods of collecting data. It comprises of two parts thats the research methodology which includes primary sources and development methodology which includes the design tools. 3. 1. Research methodology This will involve various methods that will be used to collect data and these include primary sources and secondary sources. . 1. 1. Primary sources 3. 1. 2. Observation During the research, I will see exactly what happens at the institute and also interact with the staff members of human resource department at the institute. During that period I will be able to observe and analyze the conditions of the work at the institute. 3. 1. 3. Oral interviews There will be free interaction with the staff members of human resource department and I will ask them some questions pertaining to the topic under study. The interviews will be aimed at getting an understanding the current situation. . 1. 4. Questionnaires The use of pre-printed questionnaires will be of great use since confidentiality will have to be maintained especially among the human resource department. It will comprise of both open ended and closed questions, questionnaires which will be distributed to each member of the human resource department. From this procedure, I will be able to get their views about the recruitment process. They will be requested to give their views on how to solve the problems at hand. 3. 1. 5. Secondary sources 3. 1. 6. Library research I will also have a review of the secondary data to gather information about the research problems mostly in the required area of the study. For this method various texts on databases and database management system will be of great help during the research; these will include a number of textbooks, journals, articles and the world wide web, that is ; internet which will be also my secondary source of information. 3. 2. Development methodology This will involve various design tools that will be used to collect data. 3. 2. 1. Design tools For this project , I will use PHP and MySQL as the prime design tools because of the following reasons below; 3. 2. 2 PHP Hypertext Preprocessor (PHP) is an HTML embedded programming language which executes scripts on a server and allows web designers to create dynamic content that interacts with databases. It supports the use of database servers such as MySQL, Informix and Solid. 3. 2. 3. Advantages of PHP †¢It is fast and easy because its embedded in HTML code, the response time is short and PHP contains many special features and functions needed to create dynamic web pages. †¢Its cross platform. It runs on a variety of operating systems for example Windows, Linux. †¢It accesses everything. Has a built in set of functions that make getting whatever you need very easy. †¢It is constantly being improved. A variety of developers look to improve the product almost daily. †¢It is free. †¢You can get support from different people. That is technical support is widely available. A large base of users provides free support through e-mail discussions list. 3. 2. 4. MySQL MySQL is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that interacts with Sructured Query Language(SQL), a tool for editing, accessing and processing data within a database. . 2. 5. Advantages of MySQL †¢Fast †¢Stable †¢Easy to learn †¢Runs on popular OS (Windows, Linux, Mac OS X etc) †¢Applications can be created in great variety of programming languages such as C, C++ ,Java etc †¢Extensively documented on the internet and there many books on the subject available. †¢Available for many applications free of charge (GPL License) †¢Cheaper †¢MySQL is a relational database system Other tools to be used will include drawing tools such as gimp, adobe photo, computer aided software engineering tools, html, text editors such as notepad Table of contents Page Introduction.. 1 Background of the case study.. 1-2 Problem statement 2 Objectives of the study 2 Activities and deliverables 3-4 Project schedule. 4 Methodology. 5-7

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